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Cock-Up SAF


The SAF can use orders and compel, unrighteously, an NSF to do his duties. But if that's the way it's forced on the NSF, the SAF is going to lose the heart of that NSF.

No commander worth his salt and rank would want that to happen
Tat is why parents need to be unified and kpkb to SAF. More poison pen letters the better. The bottom line is SAF cock up. But they throw the onus on to the individual to solve an organisational problem. Which the powers that be do not even bother to improve things.


The issue is not me or my son. The issue is the SAF

the issue is :
is there really a critical significant diff whether he wears old or new no.4 as long as it is/was the proper SAF no.4?

what is most impt is whether he is brave and courageous enuf to fight in a war to defend Sgp, regardless in no.4 or MickeyMouse pajamas.



Isn't ckmpd Tracy?
Yes, and I don't like her too (even though she's not as bad as @ginfreely), to say the least for now! :tongue:
Are you with me or against me? :unsure:




Wake up SG guys and vote out the pap for such great injustice to you guys. Where are your balls?
I am tired and sad to see SG guys voting for pap despite the abuse they suffered in NS
I dare say that the vast majority of Sinkie men in their 30s, 40s and 50s voted for an opposition party at the last Sinkie GE:
It is the vast majority of Sinkie women of all ages who voted for the PAP, as I've explained before nearly half a year ago:
and nearly three months ago:


  • Screenshot_2019-01-20 Chitchat - 1991 Oppie by-election strategy.png
    Screenshot_2019-01-20 Chitchat - 1991 Oppie by-election strategy.png
    188.8 KB · Views: 979



I dare say that the vast majority of Sinkie men in their 30s, 40s and 50s voted for an opposition party at the last Sinkie GE:
It is the vast majority of Sinkie women of all ages who voted for the PAP, as I've explained before nearly half a year ago:
and nearly three months ago:
Many thanks to:
for liking the above post of mine! :tongue:


The SAF has recently issued new camouflage No 4 uniforms to many units. My son's unit was one of those issued with the new No4. But because of admin cock-up, my son's name was left out of the nominal roll and he was not issued the new No4.

His supervisor, a nice person, said that as he is going ORD soon, he doesnt get priority and to bear with it.

But at the recent Army Open House, he was scheduled for duties. And at the AOH briefing, he was told that all participants at the Army Open House must be in new No4. He highlighted his problem...that he doesnt have new No4. The organisers told him to, by hook or by crook, be dressed in the new No4.

He tried the e-mart, he tried Beach Road..but none were available as there is an all round shortage. There is just no new No4 available if he is not issued

It's instances like that that often frustrate NSFs and NSmen.

Can the SAF wake up?
KNN no new no.4 and must wear only sub sub shoi next time saf ask your son go fight war when not enough bullets and say nevermind won't use the bullet one KNN


KNN no new no.4 and must wear only sub sub shoi next time saf ask your son go fight war when not enough bullets and say nevermind won't use the bullet one KNN
Singaporeans will fight for Singapore if the SG govt is for Singaporeans.

the way the pap govt works against Singaporeans, do you believe Singaporeans will fight for Singapore?