Can't even write proper EnglishNot also wear SAF Tee but voted for TAn Ah Lian and Locktor chee twice liao...i suspect i have mental illness de woh
I prefer the older version, the grey t-shirt with 'Army' printed on the back.
I prefer the older version, the grey t-shirt with 'Army' printed on the back.
We stenciled numbers on ours front and back like prisoners. The 6 or 8 digits were our ROD datesDuring my time, I was issued the V-neck type. They became rags for my house the moment I RODed.
Was LHL your CO, at some pointI used to wear the green one all the time until it's rags now. So, what's wrong with that? Now I wear the dry fit with armour logo.
Court marshal these sinki duds for disgracing our good SAF.
He’s from the fuckwarezone edmw forum la. Idiot baby talk - moi, zeh zeh, FAP etc.Can't even write proper English
No body cares who a retard votes for
No, I was not in ArtyWas LHL your CO, at some point
Nobody uses cotton for shirts to exercise in. It's been shown to zap more energy because the sweat does not wick off. Now all use drifit or some variation.It's hard to find 100% cotton t-shirts of good quality these days. Many are made of synthetic polyester material, or worse, latex fabric.
These runners were "finished" by the 6 km mark, and took a PHV to the finishing line.I see many fat fucks wearing marathon 42.2km finisher
My sons had no trouble selling away all their old ACS football jerseys, tank tops, T-shirts, tracksuits, hoodies, polo T-shirts etc. on Carousell. Boys from neighbourhood schools pay good money for these items.I would rather drop dead than be seen in public wearing anything related to SAF. It's a total embarrassment.
My sons had no trouble selling away all their old ACS football jerseys, tank tops, T-shirts, tracksuits, hoodies, polo T-shirts etc. on Carousell. Boys from neighbourhood schools pay good money for these items.