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Ap staff very jialat, all jobless. The pretty China cashier no chance to see anymore.AP no open every month losing money think have to wait for borders open leisure travel allowed no need 14d shn, no hope to open this year maybe next year only can go provided still around not sink yet![]()
Ap staff on contract no open also get salary cbl everyday party onboard.Ap staff very jialat, all jobless. The pretty China cashier no chance to see anymore.
Ap staff on contract no open also get salary cbl everyday party onboard.
Ap staff on contract no open also get salary cbl everyday party onboard.
Ap will totally not same as compare to rws mbs, not to mention will the ship follow the sop safety distancing and will sg gov believe they will do that , just the 14 days shn after out of sg and return back already no way for AP to run biz. It could be at least a couple of months to practice this way or even longer.Ap many years old pattern no change take 2 ferry transit nongsa too high risk and need indo transit approval, want start faster do CNW cruise direct pickup at HF with temp screening before boarding crowd control limit size to 25% or 50% and safe distancing onboard, then no different from walking in to rws or mbs only need sg side to give go ahead. Even GD also started taking bookings maybe can go there soon.
Current times have to adapt to survive, can start earlier better than cannot start, got some business better than zero business every month losing money cover overheads. Still want wait to start follow old pattern all punters cramp into small ferry then continue wait long long to start, ap staff very happy no need work all cbl daily do zumba.
That's why if want start fast can only do CNW for now no docking in any country go and back direct from sg so no need 14d shn never leave the country. Safe distancing depend ap to comply if no follow any get infected game over all stuck there cannot come back have to stop no more business so in ap interest to do so just follow rws mbs sop safe measures to continue stay open.Ap will totally not same as compare to rws mbs, not to mention will the ship follow the sop safety distancing and will sg gov believe they will do that , just the 14 days shn after out of sg and return back already no way for AP to run biz. It could be at least a couple of months to practice this way or even longer.
Even cnwThat's why if want start fast can only do CNW for now no docking in any country go and back direct from sg so no need 14d shn never leave the country. Safe distancing depend ap to comply if no follow any get infected game over all stuck there cannot come back have to stop no more business so in ap interest to do so just follow rws mbs sop safe measures to continue stay open.
Why rws mbs can start so early even with covid can't hold businesses shut for too long cannot open one by one will start to collapse close shop just read the news already seeing some now. If rws mbs can start and GD maybe start soon i don't see why AP cannot, but still want wait for old pattern take ferry transit then continue wait long long to open.
But even CNW still consider already out of Singapore right? It is beyond sg can control when the person step out from Singapore land ,thus the person requested to enter sg again will be consider risky, so very doubt the 14 days shn will not apply in this situation.That's why if want start fast can only do CNW for now no docking in any country go and back direct from sg so no need 14d shn never leave the country. Safe distancing depend ap to comply if no follow any get infected game over all stuck there cannot come back have to stop no more business so in ap interest to do so just follow rws mbs sop safe measures to continue stay open.
Why rws mbs can start so early even with covid can't hold businesses shut for too long cannot open one by one will start to collapse close shop just read the news already seeing some now. If rws mbs can start and GD maybe start soon i don't see why AP cannot, but still want wait for old pattern take ferry transit then continue wait long long to open.
SHN required when enter into another country don't know where you go who you contact with there, the G cannot trace so have to14d Q-tine as safety precaution when back.But even CNW still consider already out of Singapore right? It is beyond sg can control when the person step out from Singapore land ,thus the person requested to enter sg again will be consider risky, so very doubt the 14 days shn will not apply in this situation.
Cnw also need certain timing provide ferry to fetch punters back ,else must wait the big ship to sail back will not make any sense ,many ppl don't want to stay the whole day long hour onboard.SHN required when enter into another country don't know where you go who you contact with there, the G cannot trace so have to14d Q-tine as safety precaution when back.
CNW is cruise to nowhere point A to point B direct boarding from sg straight into cruise out to international waters and then come back no enter another country no chop passport no leave the country all only SG punters passenger details on boarding pass easily trace and control, no different like buy entry levy walking in rws mbs and then coming out.
If cnw is workable, the small ferry can just go direct to AP without stopping at nongsapura, the concept will be same as cnw right?SHN required when enter into another country don't know where you go who you contact with there, the G cannot trace so have to14d Q-tine as safety precaution when back.
CNW is cruise to nowhere point A to point B direct boarding from sg straight into cruise out to international waters and then come back no enter another country no chop passport no leave the country all only SG punters passenger details on boarding pass easily trace and control, no different like buy entry levy walking in rws mbs and then coming out.