Depression is the no. 1 cause of suicides, naturally.
Some think depression is 100% about chemical imbalance in the brain, ie. it's all a medical disease like cancer, victims are not responsible for being depressed.
Others think that depression is 100% about your own feelings and how you choose to deal with adversity, ie. it's all in the mind, victims are 100% responsible for being depressed.
Both are only partially correct. The real truth behind depression, is that the soul has chosen and/or has a karmic need to work with depression. Thus it will coordinate with both factors above (ie. choosing to be born into a physical body with genetics controlling biochemistry imbalances in the brain that predispose to depression; as well as orchestration by guides & helpers to manifest key events in life, eg. relationship breakup, marriage breakdown, loss of child or family member, loss of job devastating self-esteem, etc), to challenge itself.
Many souls who have a high rate of suicide in past lives, thus have urgent karmic needs (ie. for its own sake of growing stronger) to challenge itself. Thus it will karmically setup circumstances and scenarios in the present lifetime (including both genetic biochemistry predisposition to depression, as well as traumatic events in life orchestrated to trigger depression), to challenge itself.
Each lifetime it fails to surmount the challenges of depression and commits suicide, the next lifetime will be even harder (both in terms of intensity of trauma & depression, as well as being harder to resist the urge to suicide). This is not punishment, but a natural process of needing to do even better next time round to prove to yourself that you've truly overcome your weaknesses.