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if KongHee ends up in the slammer this year, his flocks might turn militants and create mayhem in sinkieland....
Cut out the crap. Just name me one Buddhist nation that Osama – the father of modern-day Islamic terrorism – targeted.
If you're held hostage by extremists in Pakistan, which passport would you rather hold – that of the USA or Burma?
Yet the Christians are the ones supporting the persecuted Muslims. So there you go, not sure what your gripe with the Christians are, but one reason why Singapore is not a mess of war and pogroms is because Christian countries like the US are actually backing and defending them.
I don't see Muslims in Singapore going door to door with a Quran asking to preach Islam to residents, much less 'killing, murdering, raping'.
On the other hand, I see loads of Christians doing that. Even bed to bed in high dependency and chronic sick wards in hospitals. I see Christian children refusing to turn up for their parents' funeral because these parents happened to be Buddhist or Taoist.
Which country do you live in?
Rubbish and purely anecdotal. JI is considered one of the biggest threats to Singapore.
True. In the context of Singapore, the Muslims are by far the less confrontational, more tolerant and less condemnatory of other religions. They may have their own hang-ups (halal food, hijab, 5 prayers/day) but by and large they don't force their religion down the throats of non-Muslims. They just want to be left alone to practise their religion.
The Christians here are not just more bigoted and intolerant, but are predatory in their evangelical fervour. They go around scaring people (old folks in nursing homes and hospitals especially) into converting, insult other religions, condemn all heathens to hell, and are now pressuring the govt to adopt their fundamentalist doctrines in policy making.
\Cut the crap again. Just answer me: are your train stations more likely to be bombed by Al-Qaeda or their affiliate groups if your country is an staunch ally of the US or if it's an ally of a Buddhist nation like Sri Lanka?
When Osama talked about annihilating the infidels and imperialists, who specifically was he referring to? Budhhists & Jains?
Boy, you're still wet behind the ears, judging by your deficient grasp of logic. Go back to school and learn to think first.
You have a talent for putting your foot in your mouth. You've just made my point and contradicted yours.
Now, boy, why is the JI targetting Singapore? Because it is a US stooge, or because it's a Sri Lanka stooge?
It is still better than forcing them to convert by killing, murdering, raping and other violent methods.
Christain pastor going things to quan yin and you turn it ard to whack Mudlims??
All Buddhists should become Christians you say?? Wat bigoted idea is this.
Halo this is Singapore ppl are free to practice whatever religion they believe in with some exceptions if coz.
You must be a born again Christian.
Then that like telling me a conman is an angel compared to a murderer. Sorry.. I cannot accept this notion.
But from my understanding, most Christians who evangelize do it because they believe it is good for the unbelievers. They want to save the souls of unbelievers so that they do not have to suffer in the afterlife. They also believe in helping and loving their neighbor, the poor, the needy and those who mock and don't believe in their God. No Christian is interested in conquest or a Christian state or the murdering and raping of infidels.
However, based on what the extremists of Muslims have stated, it seems Muslims have a completely different philosophy. They are more interested in claiming what's theirs, the destruction of their enemies and establishing a new Caliphate. Either convert or die by the sword. The scary thing is that the tolerant and moderate are in fact the minority here.
See the difference?
Singaporeans are free to practice whatever religion they believe in but they should also adopt ideologies that protect them from groups of fanatics that seek to destroy them. Buddhists won't fight unless pushed to the limits, Christians won't either but are more willing to stand up for each other when fanatics decide it is cool to slaughter Kuffirs.
They are targeting Singapore because it is Non-Muslim.
You seriously should book an appointment with IMH you ki siao christian. I've seen people admitted for less serious mental illnesses. . You fanaticism over your religion is making you go crazy.
No Christian is interested in conquest or a Christian state or the murdering and raping of infidels.
See my previous post #51. The most cruel and inhuman acts of imperialism, expansionism and colonialism in the common era have all been perpetrated by the Christians nations. Christian empires, not just states were formed from the murdering, looting and raping of entire native populations in the Americas, Asia, Africa and Australasia. The Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Belgians, French, English, Americans – all Christian nations - have all established empires throughout the world through brutal adventurism.
The reason why Christians today have no need to continue with this barbarism is because they have secured most of the world's resources – except oil. So the adventurism is now confined to the Middle East. You seriously think the US invaded Iraq because of WMD? That a pre-emptive strike on Iran – with the world's second largest oil reserves – is because of its nuclear facilities?
Kid, you're out of your element here. Go back to school.