No different from fighting for cheap $1 durians at Bugis.

Posted on 11 Jun 2013
Rolls Royce driver too poor to pay for parking?

STOMPer Cassandra was annoyed to see this Roll Royce being parked illegally along a street behind Market Street when there was a carpark situated 100 metres away.
She wonders if the driver is "too poor' to pay for parking.
Cassandra said:
"This Rolls Royce was parked along the street behind Market Street's Golden Shoe Car Park on June 10, about 4pm.
"The car was positioned next to the staircase on the "inside" of the double-yellow line and outside of the yellow box.
"The Rolls Royce owner must be too poor to pay for the parking charges, where the entry to the building's carpark is less than 100m away.
"He must have racked his brains out to scrimp on parking charges and not break the law, to save up to buy such a vehicle.
"Can anyone answer if this is legal or illegal when parking in such a manner?"
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