wa, this bitch's mouth sibeh smelly leh... think she needs some detergent to cleanse it
No money got time to logon to facebook.
somehow i feel that her parents are partly @ fault for they din impart her the correct valueshi there
1. aiyoh!
2. bro, such specimen will never know the value of money.
3. of course, the poor-suffering mother pays for the internet & energy thing mah![]()
somehow i feel that her parents are partly @ fault for they din impart her the correct values
somehow i feel that her parents are partly @ fault for they din impart her the correct values
How can she get $200 in phone bills?
yalor... see the kid behaviour will tell a lot about the parents.
Aiyah, dont always blame the parents lah. Some kids grow up to be incorrigible even though the parents did everything right. Kids these days are just unpredictable