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Despicable, Cunning and Cheating Certis Officer!


Alfrescian (Inf)
[h=2]Despicable, Cunning and Cheating Certis Officer![/h]
October 22nd, 2012 |
Author: Contributions

Officer Taking Photo with me squatting beside my number plate, taking photo of him!

Hi TR Emeritus,
After you have exposed the Certis for what they really are, I want to bring to everyone’s attention another Certis officer who is definitely cheating on the job and victimizing drivers whereever he goes!
I was stopping my pick-up at a double-yellow side road at Novena Square to drop off a box to a waiting customer on the front door. I wish to reiterate that I was STOPPING, not PARKING. By stopping, I did not switch off my engine and turned on my hazard lights. I walked about 30 metres, literally, away from my pick-up and passed the box to my customer, who opened the box and checked its contents, etc.
Then I saw the Certis officer stopping in front of my pick up and taking out his gadget, as always if these people, threatening to make a ticket booking. I shouted from my side at him, “Brother, coming coming!” He looked away and cunningly avoided my direction but nevertheless we made eye contact and he knew I was the driver. This is just within 1,2 minutes from the time I left the vehicle.
When I quickly walked back, he gave me a booking ticket! I asked him what is wrong, I was just a short distance ways dropping off a box and I signaled to him already? He said I was not supposed to park there. I told him that it was a double-yellow line, meant for loading and unloading! I further questioned him whether he knows what the traffic rules are! He fumbled for a while and just said that I was not supposed to leave the vehicle, EVEN THOUGH I was unloading! I couldn’t the that crap and told him that I was not taking the ticket! He said nevermind, he has already recorded and I will have to pay or go appeal! HE THEN HAS THE AUDACITY TO ASK ME TO MOVE AWAY SO HE CAN TAKE A PICTURE OF MY VEHICLE ON THE DOUBLE-YELLOW LINE! I was thinking, What the FXXK?! I refused to move away and told him that if he wants to take a picture, he has to take a picture with me, the driver, beside my number plate! I want to show LTA that the driver was present during the booking and I definitely DID NOT refuse to drive off if told, nor was I PARKING. So he had no choice but to take a picture of my vehicle, with me squatting beside of my number plate taking a photo of him taking a photo of me!
He then quickly ran off, but not without me giving him a good piece of my mind! He didnt even bother to book the rest of the vehicles parking on double-yellow lines opposite my side road! I also took a photo of him taking off in his vehicle, FBF7080S!
Naturally, a few people walked up to be “kaypoh” and a security guard there told me that this Certis officer was always just hiding behind the building and waiting for victims! So he was actually waiting for the durian to drop!
I hope that TRE will ask LTA a few critical questions below on behalf of all road users in Singapore:
1. Can the Certis officer make a ticket booking, without first taking a picture of the vehicle?
2. Can the Certis officer make a booking immediately, without a grace period of even 1 minute? He literally hopped off his bike and started pressing his gadget to book, without even switching off his bike’s engine!
3. Can the Certis officer hide in a corner and wait for victims to “fall into the trap”? This is exactly what this Certis officer had done, and we know for sure that it is a common practice of these bunch of predators!
4. Last but not least, is this Certis officer a Singaporean?!!! I will reconsider whether to let this case go and pay the fine if this Certis officer is a SINGAPOREAN!!! I will let TRE readers be the witness! If not, I will definitely get a lawyer to fight it out, because I just CANNOT STAND being conned by a foreigner ANYMORE!

Editor’s note:
* Normally, you can visit their office and lodge an appeal with the officer in-charge and explain your situation. In some situation, the alleged offence can be NFAed or NODed.
** It is not advisable to argue or make things difficult to/for any officers of the law because they have the law on their side. Explain your situation if you can, but if in your opinion, they are being unreasonable, try to get particulars of witnesses and take photos (if it’ll help prove your case) and then go through the proper procedure and file a formal complaint with the relevant agency. This is the best route to take.
*** In any case, we have fwded this letter to LTA.


Alfrescian (Inf)
"a security guard there told me that this Certis officer was always just hiding behind the building and waiting for victims! So he was actually waiting for the durian to drop!"

Then don't be a durian! Ah boh hide behind him and use a durian to whack his head lah! :biggrin:


Naturally, a few people walked up to be “kaypoh” and a security guard there told me that this Certis officer was always just hiding behind the building and waiting for victims! So he was actually waiting for the durian to drop!

Somebody calling me??

blur sotong

Alfrescian (Inf)
Singapore is really very unforgiving.

I was waiting at the "No Parking zone" in Sydney. The Police officer just sounded his honk at me and asked me to move on. No ticket issued.

blur sotong

Alfrescian (Inf)
I was stopping my pick-up at a double-yellow side road at Novena Square to drop off a box to a waiting customer on the front door. I wish to reiterate that I was STOPPING, not PARKING. By stopping, I did not switch off my engine and turned on my hazard lights. I walked about 30 metres, literally, away from my pick-up and passed the box to my customer, who opened the box and checked its contents, etc.
Then I saw the Certis officer stopping in front of my pick up and taking out his gadget, as always if these people, threatening to make a ticket booking. I shouted from my side at him, “Brother, coming coming!” He looked away and cunningly avoided my direction but nevertheless we made eye contact and he knew I was the driver. This is just within 1,2 minutes from the time I left the vehicle.

Motorist please take note of the location - Novena Square.

Then engine is not even switched off. What happened to those grace period. If the engine is switched off, car door locked and nobody around I can understand. But the engine is not even switched off?

30 meters and 1-2 minutes from the time he left his vehicle - What happened to those 5 minutes grace?


On one hand,they announced to the world to give u $50 or $100 food voucher and on the other hand they take back by parking fine.This is an unforgiving Singapore Incorporated,no 2nd chance,u die is your business.


Singapore is really very unforgiving.

I was waiting at the "No Parking zone" in Sydney. The Police officer just sounded his honk at me and asked me to move on. No ticket issued.

I don't think it's fair to compare Singapore to a first world city.


These Cisco Certis parking ticket issuers are just small time J.B. street gangsters recruited to come to Sinkiepoor for the sole purpose of f*cking up helpless Sinkiepooleans.

I have learned that some places are too "hot" to drive into. Just park somewhere else, 2 or 3 MRT stops away from your destination, and ride the MRT in. Spend ).83 cents to $1.22, but end up saving $70.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
This Certis officer should be taken to task. Total lack of EQ and compassion. Report him to the proper authorities. Pay the fine also must feel good. I am sure there are many more of the same species.


Alfrescian (Inf)
what to expect from Certis......................they like to play policeman....................but actually, they're over-glorified security guards..........

greedy and cunning

Singapore is really very unforgiving.

I was waiting at the "No Parking zone" in Sydney. The Police officer just sounded his honk at me and asked me to move on. No ticket issued.

that's only 3/10 of the answer,
the 7/10 of answer is that it is really very greedy. everything is money.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Motorist please take note of the location - Novena Square.

Then engine is not even switched off. What happened to those grace period. If the engine is switched off, car door locked and nobody around I can understand. But the engine is not even switched off?

30 meters and 1-2 minutes from the time he left his vehicle - What happened to those 5 minutes grace?

Relevant point! What happen to the grace period? No grace in unforgiving Singapore?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Certis is a money-making company mah...................if no summons, where to get money to pay these glorified security guards...........


Alfrescian (Inf)
I'm not looking down on these Cisco chaps..

Most of them when young wanted to become normal police officers, jaga traffic like their TP counterparts but in the end they ended up being auxilliary cops..

They are the SPF's poorer cousin..


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I'm not looking down on these Cisco chaps..

Most of them when young wanted to become normal police officers, jaga traffic like their TP counterparts but in the end they ended up being auxilliary cops..

They are the SPF's poorer cousin..

Agreed.You can aLso see these siao mata wannabees on our roads riding their Honda Wings in white Long sLeeved
shirts and dark pants..macham TP.Knn..:cool: