This morn at bedok reservoir Blk 602........
clean what windows? stupid sinkies mentality. hanging clothes, what is clothes dryer for? third world peasants should not have maid. That must be a vetting to be sure that those idiots cannot hire maids.
Quite agree. If can afford to hire maid. Then should be afford to buy dryer.
Maybe should make it compulsory hire maid home must have dryer .
Too many maid fallen from high rise building in SG.
Ministers/MP/MOM talk TCSS no improvement only become worst more falling.
Also, Bedok/Bedok Reservoir area is a very 'unclean' area now. I would stay away and not even go there, even if for a visit during CNY. And I would also refrain from buying property there.
Quite hard to get employers to buy the dryer even if they could afford it. The Singaporean employer mentality is to squeeze until the maid is dry. Look at those retards above(including me) who still call them maids instead of helpers. This says a lot about the mentality :o
I think u could be right. SG law should change the name of the maid to helper.
Maid is like slave in the mentality.
Helper meaning pay them to help to do job .
If you noticed, a lot of them are overworked and often verbally abused. There were cases whereby the maids snapped and murdered the employer. While murdering is a crime, but it takes two hands to clap. I was at Bukit Timah Shopping Centre last week and the moment I walked into any maid agency, the maids would greet 'Good morning Sir" automatically. I supposed this was trained and enforced by the agency. Look around and you'll see many cases of these maids doing work they should not have done(helping out at coffee shop stall of employer, helping out at relatives house)