I will never forget my RSM who is from the same batch as tiger hong and encik shamsuddin,he is a drunk and would keep boasting
of how he fought the communist in the jungle as a young soldier in the 60s.
i've just completed my BMT and being a newbie to my new camp,one day during fall in parade this bugger ask we newbies is there any question we would like to ask and i remember raising my hand and ask in a shivering tone...
encik my friend tell me NS is a waste of time..is it true...holy shit no joke...he shouted at me in a thunderous voice and
says you stupid boy....never ever trust your neighbours understand..now give me 20 push up and run 5 round the parade square
as a punishment for insurbordination..
several years later i heard he was honorably discharged cause he was drunk while driving mindef gp car after drinks at the officcer mess
the car knocked down a cyclist and ended in the longkang..
2yrs ago i saw him in sentosa and he told me he is in 69yrs old n is now a small time reno contractor,seeing me carrying a race book and knowing that i do bet on horses he ask me for a winning tip and i kindly give him a horse that eat grass.