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BUSTED : GINFREELY A.K.A GANSIOKBIN. Where's the evidence of your self declared virginity?




Her dishonorable behaviour extends to even putting her mother in a home instead of taking care of her personally at home. She rather spend her time in travelling up and down Singapore and Johore Bahru than showing care and concern to her mother who gave birth to her.

Is she that busy or unable to take care of her mother? Doesn't look like to me. GANSIOKBIN IS REALLY A HEARTLESS CREATURE. A DISGRACRFUL DAUGHTER.
Dishonest dishonorable Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes repeating lies that I send my mother to nursing home to win. 说谎精is you as usual whatever Cantonese dogs accused me is always what you are yourselves. Pui!


Where is the evidence of virginity?
As usual @gsbslut @musclepower etc Malaysian Cantonese criminal dogs are the 说谎精 abusers murderers demanding their victim of crimes to prove their lies while I am stating FACT that they are murderers smearing me sugar baby, chicken slut, sent my mother to nursing home, black nipple l, black cb etc evil toxic lies to create chronic stress to murder me.

Thread 'Chronic stress accelerates the process of gastric precancerous lesions in rats. Cantonese dogs doing defamation crimes are attempting to kill me. Pui!'
And these shameless Malaysian and Malaysian origin Cantonese dogs abusers murderers @gsbslut @musclepower act like emperor demand that you take photo of your cb your nipple open leg to prove virginity to them if not accuse you 大话精. They tell evil toxic lies to harm people and you don’t prove to them is called you are 大话精and not they are 大话精。That’s how evil and vicious Malaysians are.



Page 8 already and still no evidence presented to support her BARE ASSERTION of virginity. Instead she deceptively deploys CIRCULAR REASONING to cover up for her inability and/or wilful refusal to provide a simple medical test report.

The only conclusion one can draw is GANSIOKBIN is :

1. Dishonest
2. Liar
3. Scammer
4. Troll
5. Lacking integrity
6.. Most likely not a chaste woman



Page 8 already and still no evidence presented to support her BARE ASSERTION of virginity. Instead she deceptively deploys CIRCULAR REASONING to cover up for her inability and/or wilful refusal to provide a simple medical test report.

The only conclusion one can draw is GANSIOKBIN is :

1. Dishonest
2. Liar
3. Scammer
4. Troll
5. Lacking integrity
6.. Most likely not a chaste woman

And when she ran out of words to defend herself, she simply plagiarized the expressions that were used to describe her to throw back at the people.



And these shameless Malaysian and Malaysian origin Cantonese dogs abusers murderers @gsbslut @musclepower act like emperor demand that you take photo of your cb your nipple open leg to prove virginity to them if not accuse you 大话精. They tell evil toxic lies to harm people and you don’t prove to them is called you are 大话精and not they are 大话精。That’s how evil and vicious Malaysians are.

Caught her with her pants down telling lies again.

Where and when did I ask you to take a photo of your CB to prove virginity ?

You go to the Dr to prove your virginity. I don't want to see your CB.

大话精 exposed !