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<a href="http://youtu.be/ydgaVGILp4I" target="_blank">youtube.com URL</a><br />
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<a href="http://sammyboy.com/showthread.php?112932-PAP-Power%21-By-Election-for-both-AMK-GRC-and-Hougang-SMC" target="_blank">AMK By Election Speculation Thread</a><br />
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<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ydgaVGILp4I" width="8530"></iframe><br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">
Summery exposure of famiLEE LEEgime's electoral fraud system known as GRC. A video from uncleyap against systematic Electoral Frauds by famiLEE LEEgime beside their notorious Vote Buying via corrupted Billion Dollar cash distribution a week before poll.</div>
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<a href="http://statutes.agc.gov.sg/aol/search/display/view.w3p;ident=7a00a6d7-8aef-45bf-99cb-ce5d62e3953d;page=0;query=CompId%3A9ce2cb06-0f51-450b-99e4-d1416ae5762c;rec=0;resUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fstatutes.agc.gov.sg%2Faol%2Fbrowse%2FtitleResults.w3p%3Bletter%3DP%3Btype%3DactsAll#pr24-he-." target="_blank">Online Stature URL of [Writ Of Election] Clause of Cap 218 Parliamentary Election Act</a><br />
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<blockquote class="tr_bq">
<div style="text-align: justify;">
<b><span class="">Writ of election</span></b></div>
<div class="prov1Txt" id="pr24-." style="text-align: justify;">
<b>24.</b><a href="http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=36949209" name="pr24-ps1-."></a><br />
<div class="prov2TxtIL">
—(1) For
the purposes of every general election of Members of Parliament, and
for the purposes of the election of Members to supply vacancies caused
by death, resignation or otherwise, the President shall issue writs
under the public seal, addressed to the Returning Officer.</div>
<a href="http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=36949209" name="pr24-ps2-."></a><br />
<div class="prov2Txt">
(2) Every
such writ shall be in Form 1 in the First Schedule and shall specify
the date or dates (referred to in this Act as the day of nomination) not
being less than 5 days nor more than one month after the date of the
writ and the place or places of nomination (referred to in this Act as
the place of nomination).</div>
<a href="http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=36949209" name="pr24-ps2A-."></a><br />
<div class="prov2Txt">
<b style="color: red;">(2A) In
respect of any group representation constituency, no writ shall be
issued under subsection (1) for an election to fill any vacancy unless
<span style="color: blue;">all</span> the Members for that constituency have vacated their seats in
Parliament.</b><br />
<div class="amendNote">
<a href="http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=36949209" name="pr24-ps3-."></a><br />
<div class="prov2Txt">
(3) Upon receipt of the writ, the Returning Officer shall proceed to hold the election in the manner hereinafter provided.</div>
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<br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">
famiLEE LEEgime's corrupted law specified clearly that even within a 6 seat GRC, no by-election will be held to fill any parliamentary seat vacancy even when 5 of the 6 MP are dead in that GRC! This fraud clearly deprive few hundred thousand electorates of rightful parliamentary representation in terms of voting in parliamentary decisions, to suffer a lost of 5 votes when they are supposed to have 6!</div>
<div style="text-align: justify;">
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Video is still uploading now.
<a href="http://youtu.be/ydgaVGILp4I" target="_blank">youtube.com URL</a><br />
<br />
<a href="http://sammyboy.com/showthread.php?112932-PAP-Power%21-By-Election-for-both-AMK-GRC-and-Hougang-SMC" target="_blank">AMK By Election Speculation Thread</a><br />
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<br />
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ydgaVGILp4I" width="8530"></iframe><br />
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<div style="text-align: justify;">
<br /></div>
<div style="text-align: justify;">
Summery exposure of famiLEE LEEgime's electoral fraud system known as GRC. A video from uncleyap against systematic Electoral Frauds by famiLEE LEEgime beside their notorious Vote Buying via corrupted Billion Dollar cash distribution a week before poll.</div>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<a href="http://statutes.agc.gov.sg/aol/search/display/view.w3p;ident=7a00a6d7-8aef-45bf-99cb-ce5d62e3953d;page=0;query=CompId%3A9ce2cb06-0f51-450b-99e4-d1416ae5762c;rec=0;resUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fstatutes.agc.gov.sg%2Faol%2Fbrowse%2FtitleResults.w3p%3Bletter%3DP%3Btype%3DactsAll#pr24-he-." target="_blank">Online Stature URL of [Writ Of Election] Clause of Cap 218 Parliamentary Election Act</a><br />
<br />
<blockquote class="tr_bq">
<div style="text-align: justify;">
<b><span class="">Writ of election</span></b></div>
<div class="prov1Txt" id="pr24-." style="text-align: justify;">
<b>24.</b><a href="http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=36949209" name="pr24-ps1-."></a><br />
<div class="prov2TxtIL">
—(1) For
the purposes of every general election of Members of Parliament, and
for the purposes of the election of Members to supply vacancies caused
by death, resignation or otherwise, the President shall issue writs
under the public seal, addressed to the Returning Officer.</div>
<a href="http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=36949209" name="pr24-ps2-."></a><br />
<div class="prov2Txt">
(2) Every
such writ shall be in Form 1 in the First Schedule and shall specify
the date or dates (referred to in this Act as the day of nomination) not
being less than 5 days nor more than one month after the date of the
writ and the place or places of nomination (referred to in this Act as
the place of nomination).</div>
<a href="http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=36949209" name="pr24-ps2A-."></a><br />
<div class="prov2Txt">
<b style="color: red;">(2A) In
respect of any group representation constituency, no writ shall be
issued under subsection (1) for an election to fill any vacancy unless
<span style="color: blue;">all</span> the Members for that constituency have vacated their seats in
Parliament.</b><br />
<div class="amendNote">
<a href="http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=36949209" name="pr24-ps3-."></a><br />
<div class="prov2Txt">
(3) Upon receipt of the writ, the Returning Officer shall proceed to hold the election in the manner hereinafter provided.</div>
<br />
<br />
<div style="text-align: justify;">
famiLEE LEEgime's corrupted law specified clearly that even within a 6 seat GRC, no by-election will be held to fill any parliamentary seat vacancy even when 5 of the 6 MP are dead in that GRC! This fraud clearly deprive few hundred thousand electorates of rightful parliamentary representation in terms of voting in parliamentary decisions, to suffer a lost of 5 votes when they are supposed to have 6!</div>
<div style="text-align: justify;">
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Video is still uploading now.