The truth is that you forcefully envict people out of their home, without eviction notice.
not unlike commie kicking people out of their home to build for olympic and gave no compensation, beating the victims and arresting them.
you are a communist.
All the abuse and hatred towards me over this move stems from one fundamental difference in perception between myself and guys like you!:o
You and many others seem to think that the Delphi forum belonged to YOU while I rightfully believe that it belonged to ME. If this is not the case, please explain how on earth MY forum can end up being deemed to be public property. I have never received a land acquisition notice from anyone and even if I did, I think I would deserve my day in court before my real estate was forcefully placed into public hands with no compensation. Sounds like something that Robert Mugabe would do. (and LKY of course)

If I charged for registration for lifetime membership, then there might be some validity to the objection as there could be grounds for a breach of contract over the lease. However, everyone came in for FREE and not a single soul in the last 7 years ever offered to help pay for the forum overheads.
The bottom line is I did not I didn't evict anyone from their homes. I simply locked up MY home and willed it to the old buildings preservation board.

You can bring your children and grand children there one day I hope and show them the sort of posts that Daddy/Grandpa used to make.
My home no longer served my purpose. I wanted a better home so I moved here and I have paid cash too. No 30 year mortgage and no CPF money used. I believe that's a democratic right in a free country.
I then invited everyone to my new home. I know that there are those of you who are not familiar with my new home layout. However, in a couple of weeks, everyone should know exactly where the toilet is, the kitchen, the guest room the entertainment room.
However, instead of showing some basic courtesy when receiving an invitation to visit, I end up with torrents of abuse!!!??? What kind of people are you.
My guests then come to my home and start giving everyone the address of THEIR home in the same crummy Delphi quarters. I graciously allow them to post their addresses here (except for one guy who is a conman).
However, I made ONE post offering help in one of the clone forums and I was accused of ADVERTISING and my post got deleted.

Why someone who owns a site with huge traffic would need to advertise in an unknown forum that will never be indexed in a thousand years is another story altogether.
If I felt your post was a troll to get a response from me, I'd feel there was some hope for sinkies. However, if you're expressing your true feelings, I'm simply flabbergasted.

I can't believe that Singapore is home to such a crass selection of people.
Someone tell me it isn't true.