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Blame SingTel


Alfrescian (Inf)
Blame SingTel's EPL gambit
YESTERDAY'S report ('World Cup fans may miss out on all matches') indicates that Singapore will be denied the live telecast of this year's football World Cup because SingTel and StarHub will not pay the price demanded by soccer's world governing body, Fifa.

The self-destructive contest between SingTel and StarHub for the telecast rights to the English Premier League (EPL) played into Fifa's hands.

As we can afford the exorbitant price for EPL rights, why not for World Cup 2010, Fifa must have reasoned - a hard-nosed stance which is not consonant with its fair-play motto.

SingTel and StarHub say they must balance the interests of their shareholders against the passion of football-crazy Singaporeans. If that is so, how can SingTel justify its pyrrhic win of EPL rights?

It appears to have learnt an expensive lesson. The Government so far looks askance at the issue; it appears aloof to the angst of many Singaporeans.

If Singapore had qualified to play in South Africa (an ambitious target mooted many years ago by then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong), would the Government not have used its influence with internal and external parties to ensure we got to watch the national side play? A case can be argued for the Media Development Authority to deploy a portion of its TV licence fee - which is meant to fund public service programmes, we are repeatedly told whenever the continuing need for the fee is challenged - to help in this impasse.

What about Singapore Pools, which rakes in handsome profits from football bets? Surely its takings will be badly hurt without the live telecast. People, including policymakers, with scant interest in football will not understand the furore. Why give in to extortion, they may ask. But to many ordinary Singaporeans, it is no trivial matter.

The travesty is that many poor countries will get to watch the matches live for a token fee: An admirable bit of social work by Fifa.

But Singapore, so affluent and regarded by some as punching above its weight on various matters, must pay the price in all senses. Will we? Should we?

Tan Chak Lim


Alfrescian (Inf)
Apart from SingTel...
'MDA must not wash its hands of the issue and Singapore Pools owes it to its loyal punters to help.'

MR VICTOR KHOO: 'Isn't it a shame that Singapore can host the Formula One night races and have two integrated resorts but cannot broadcast the world's most popular sports spectacle, the World Cup, which takes place only once in four years? It is obvious that Fifa chose to charge the reported $100 million for this year's World Cup television rights simply because it thinks Singapore is extravagantly wealthy. SingTel's massive $400 million bid for the English Premiership rights must have figured in Fifa's perception. The Media Development Authority (MDA) wants to stay out of the fray, citing commercialism, while government-owned Singapore Pools sidesteps potential involvement by saying broadcasting is not its business. What MDA must recognise is that football is a national passion, and it should be responsible enough to help find an answer and not wash its hands of the issue. And Singapore Pools must not forget that one of its key aims is to promote sports. Besides, sports betting is one of its revenue streams. Pools owes it to its loyal punters to help resolve the impasse.'


Alfrescian (Inf)
football politicking! I suspect FIFA is making things difficult for Singapore as latter made obvious the previous kelong matches with SGpools displaying the odds. Anyone else think alike?:rolleyes:


My opinion is since every banks and education business across the world is skinning Singapore with her 'brilliant foresights' and ability to throw $ around, why would FIFA give up their once-in-four-year chance to dip their hands into Singapore's money ? What's more, singapore boasted of its higher-than-thou per capita GDP !

If SingTel Singtel can throw $40 million or so for EPL and the subscribers lick up every drop of cost, why not the World Cup ?

If I were FIFA, I will do the same as a business. Licence holder can then recover their investment via advertisements. SingTel and fans are being taken to the cleaners.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
football politicking! I suspect FIFA is making things difficult for Singapore as latter made obvious the previous kelong matches with SGpools displaying the odds. Anyone else think alike?:rolleyes:

Kelongs should be AFC problems, not FIFA, lol :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
SG Government: Competition will benefit consumers

Reality: Big companies compete with one another. Whoever wins, consumer loses.

KNN :oIo::oIo::oIo::oIo::oIo::oIo:


Alfrescian (Inf)
And CB MediaCorpse only can afford the free 4 games, LOL hahahaha...

we are so screwed.... :(:(:(:(


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
People don't realise the real consequence of this mess. If Singtel say they cannot afford to broadcast the World Cup, that really means that future World Cups will never be broadcast again in S'pore. The reason is that FIFA always ask more for broadcasting rights never less.


Alfrescian (Inf)
People don't realise the real consequence of this mess. If Singtel say they cannot afford to broadcast the World Cup, that really means that future World Cups will never be broadcast again in S'pore. The reason is that FIFA always ask more for broadcasting rights never less.

FIFA knows Singaporeans can afford what, thanks to SingTel, LOL :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:



hahaha still planning to come back to sg in june for the WC as most of my friend still here. haha look like i will not come back. you are welcome to zhuhai. hahaha


Alfrescian (Inf)
aiyoh! cannot blame fifa lah! singtel caitao pay so much for epl. of cos, fifa will expect more for world cup!!! somemore got 2 company join, singtel and starhub join force! fifa sure ask for more mah! singtel pay 400mil for epl. if im fifa, i will ask 1000mil for world cup!!!:biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Next year increase TV license fee loh!!

Mediacrap HUAT AH!!!!!


following quotes taken from an expat forum.they must be the most pissed off group here, can't even watch their home countries play in the most advanced country in asia :biggrin::biggrin:

This World Cup problem is entirely Singapore's making. The MDA muppets decided they wanted media competition between companies who are both owned by the Govt and they then let these greedy clowns run a bidding war for the EPL rights. Idiots. Since these fools agreed to pay $400m for the EPL it was obvious to FIFA that with SG they are dealing with kiasu idiots who have no sense for the value of money and are willing to pay any price. I hope that FIFA does not back down and compromise. SG needs a lesson in arrogance management, and what happens when the world views you as a rich idiot.

This is so rich. Singapore actually PRIDES itself in becoming one of the most expensive place on earth, they should take it as a badge of honor that they pay some of the highest fees for the Football World Cup.

What we're seeing here is a classic example of Singaporean double standard at play: they keep boasting how 1st world or "world class" they are at every occasion, but still expect to be judged (or charged) by developing or 3rd world country standard whenever it suits them.

Why are people so surprised that the rest of the world (inc FIFA) have bought into the hype that SIngapore is the richest country in the world. The Singapore Ministry of Propaganda and Nation Building has been so effective in highlighting SG's successes: 1) fast growth in millionaires; 2) highest percentage of millionaires; 3) nearly highest GDP in the world; 4) most over-priced real estate in the world; 5) most over-priced cars in the world; 6) most expensive bars/alcohol in the world; 7) highest paid politicians in the world; 8 ) only place in the world to charge $100 to enter a casino; 9) #1 place in the world to clean your money; etc.

Given the massive wealth of everyone in Singapore, makes total sense to me that SG should pay the most per capita for the World Cup. It's only fair.


Alfrescian (Inf)
i will be laughing if PAP election get a black eyes from voters.
because of this world cup issue cause by them.

it seem that PAP will not pay for it, pools will not pay for it.

it seem that this election, opposition can take advantage of this mistake.