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Serious Chink Minimart Serf Fights Off Two Muuds Armed With Samurai Sword! Muuds Offended Because Chink Serf Would Not Sell Them Alcohol!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

SINGAPORE — When a minimart employee refused to sell alcohol to Johanizam Johari, the pair got into a scuffle outside the store.

Johanizam retaliated by going home to retrieve a samurai sword that he had bought from e-marketplace Carousell. He then handed the weapon to his friend, Muhammad Faiz Hamzah, who threatened the employee with it.

However, his efforts came to naught when the employee scared off Faiz by chasing him with an umbrella.

On Monday (March 21), Johanizam was sentenced to three months’ jail and a fine of S$600. The 29-year-old Singaporean pleaded guilty to one charge each of fighting in public and possessing an offensive weapon.

He will begin serving his jail term on March 28 and remains out on bail.

The court heard that he and Faiz, 31, went to the minimart at Block 301 Serangoon Avenue 2 on Oct 18 last year at about 10.20pm.

They tried to buy alcohol but Johanizam did not have his National Registration Identity Card. Gu Desheng, 41, the minimart's staff member had asked to see it.

However, his efforts came to naught when the employee scared off Faiz by chasing him with an umbrella.

On Monday (March 21), Johanizam was sentenced to three months’ jail and a fine of S$600. The 29-year-old Singaporean pleaded guilty to one charge each of fighting in public and possessing an offensive weapon.

He will begin serving his jail term on March 28 and remains out on bail.

The court heard that he and Faiz, 31, went to the minimart at Block 301 Serangoon Avenue 2 on Oct 18 last year at about 10.20pm.

They tried to buy alcohol but Johanizam did not have his National Registration Identity Card. Gu Desheng, 41, the minimart's staff member had asked to see it.

Faiz took the sword out of its sheath in front of Gu with the intention of scaring him. Gu picked up an umbrella to defend himself and also scare the pair away.

Faiz then ran away and Gu chased after him.

He hid the weapon behind some piping at a nearby housing block, while Johanizam went to another block to continue drinking with his friends.

A member of the public lodged a police report. When police officers went to the scene and spoke to Johanizam, he told them that Faiz had run away.

Johanizam went to another nearby block to hide from the police, before eventually going back down to the void deck when another friend called to tell him that the officers wanted to speak to him again.

A Health Sciences Authority report stated that Johanizam had 88mg of ethanol per 100ml of blood in his system.

Gu was fined S$600 earlier this month after being convicted of affray or fighting in a public place. Faiz has been charged over the incident and intends to plead guilty next month.

Those convicted of possessing an offensive weapon under the Penal Code can be jailed for up to two years or fined, or punished with both.

Those who commit affray can be jailed for up to a year or fined up to S$5,000, or both.



Why donch this m&d just go to coffee shop and suppork the beer ladies...no NRIC needed.


Stupid judge didn't rotan them? That is the best reminder to these vermin to not transgress again.
Judge should be rotaned.

syed putra

This is a good example of non service, discrimination, harrassmrnt, threats faced by malays everyday.


WTF? That idiot is already 29 years old and yet the mini-mart employee wanted to check his NRIC?

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
First of all, I did not know that now you need an IC to buy alcohol. Secondly, I thought Muslims are not allowed to drink alcohol? If they are so anal about halal and not eating or touching pork, aren't they supposed to avoid drinking and gambling like buying 4D and TOTO?


This is NOT an issue between races, but CRITICALLY an issue with our racial harmony. The insignificant nobody me CAN testify that most Singaporeans from ALL levels of society obey the RULE OF LAW, as it works & accounted for our individual, family and NATIONAL success within a mere 55yrs while other civilizations floundered even after 200 modern years.

Drunk under influence (DUI) CANNOT be a LEGAL excuse for anti-social behavior, more so when PRECIOUS Human lives are threatened.

Both Johanizam & Muhammad Faiz Hamzah had scientific EVIDENCES of being under DUI. The courageous Mr Gu Desheng SHOULD NOT been put into a position to defend, with his own life, to confront ARMED men, more so merely being a staff member & not even the owner of the shop. May the govt, owners & investors/shareholders APPRECIATE his brave sacrifice. which speak volumes on the sacrifices of working staff - local or foreigner.

If we Spore society thru our valiant forefathers in upholding the RULE OF LAW in the face of USA outcry, caned american Micheal Fay for merely graffiti upon objects in the 80s, HOW MORE should we demand STIFFER punishment on these 2 current miscreants whom presumed a sharp samurai which would slice off a human head with ease are allowed to get away WITHOUT STIFF punishment from our Court ?

May MORE whom drink responsibly SUPPORT the efforts for STIFFER punishments upon miscreants, otherwise the small but LOUD hypocrites whom do not understand the benefits of social drinking WILL USE this ISOLATED case to demand an end to alcohol consumption, as they did when a few foreign indian delinquents caused a small riot that unfortunately resulted in an outright ban on alcohol even after 2359hrs in Spore, which harmed those whom worked hard on shifts to keep Spore as 24/7hrs, denied of a chance to relax their minds with oneself & friends responsibly, & tourists not able to experience the full Spore life experience, of which accounts for Spore's national revenue.

No doubt, by scientific psychological evidences over years, it had been proven alcohol has side effects, but it is mild to most if they can hold their drinks & does not last for hours. Churchill, UK's most remembered wartime leader in the 40s, was once confronted by a victorian prudish hypocrite woman whom scolded Churchill as being a drunkard. His reply - 'Mdm, I am indeed drunk now, but come tomorrow morning, I will be SOBER, but you will still be ugly.'

The Rule of Law can be harsh, but it must be tampered with compassion but only for the remorseful. It does NOT attempt to punish all, but to serve as a DETERRENT to others like the 2 miscreants, to save & protect society at large & way of life. Mere $600 fine & 3mths in jail with shelter & 3 hot meals a day WILL NOT serve as deterrent, as there is no pain to them being habitual & repeat offenders. A minimum of 6 strokes of the cane will be a constant reminder of the harm, & even intended MURDER of a fellow Human Being with an armed weapon will be a better punishment & deterrent to others whom think they are the boss with ability to threaten others with harm & can do as they wish to other fellow Humans & citizens.

As the Rule of Law can be harsh, equally it must have the ability to REHABILITATE those clowns, thru psychological or religious training for them while they serve their time in jail, so that they can be better, informed & responsible citizens whom can contribute to society, a 2nd chance to life after jail term in a civilized society that Spore was & is & will be, thru the efforts of so many, so many since the 1960s, to build up what Spore for our generations todays where none are starved, but given opportunities every step of the way from cradle to grave, to evolve & progress...

syed putra

First of all, I did not know that now you need an IC to buy alcohol. Secondly, I thought Muslims are not allowed to drink alcohol? If they are so anal about halal and not eating or touching pork, aren't they supposed to avoid drinking and gambling like buying 4D and TOTO?
Where did you get this notion thst muslim cannot drink alcohol? Alcohol is discouraged.

No doubt, by scientific psychological evidences over years, it had been proven alcohol has side effects, but it is mild to most if they can hold their drinks & does not last for hours.
As of 2010, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that excessive drinking causes 88,000 deaths each year in the US… alcohol’s annual death toll is higher than deaths due to guns, cars, drug overdoses, or HIV/AIDS ever have been in a single year in America. There’s a good chance that the CDC’s estimate is an undercount. It’s eight years old at this point, and since then, at least some kinds of alcohol-related deaths have increased too. Some experts have told me that they would not be surprised if the annual death toll linked to alcohol is now above 100,000. And the death toll only captures part of the concern with alcohol. Addiction, domestic violence, sexual assault, and other linked crime and health problems are also significant.

syed putra

Strangely that in islam, pork is forbidden, but alcohol and narcotics are merely discouraged.
Intoxicants is forbidden. Wine discouraged. In yemen, they chew khat leaves and get high. In jiu hu, its " ketum".

What is ketum?
Ketum or its scientific name, Mitragyna speciose, is a plant in the coffee family historically used in herbal medicine. It is indigenous to several countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and Papua New Guinea.
Ketum or its scientific name, Mitragyna speciose, is a plant in the coffee family historically used in herbal medicine. - foto BERNAMA

Ketum or its scientific name, Mitragyna speciose, is a plant in the coffee family historically used in herbal medicine. - foto BERNAMA
In Malaysia, ketum can be found in abundance in the northern states and east coast of the Peninsular, growing wild in the forest areas and surrounding villages. The Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) areas specifically have become a hotspot where ketum trees are planted in abundance.
Ketum leaves have been traditionally used to expel wind in the body and increase energy.
The water from ketum leaves is also being used as a traditional medicine to treat certain illnesses such as back pain, fever, cough and worm disease as well as a cure for diabetes, high blood pressure, amongst others.
Misuse of ketum
Ketum leaf water has been misused by many as it contains psychoactive substances mitragynine which can have stimulant, sedative and euphoria effects that can lead to addiction.
The ketum leaves are typically boiled to produce a ketum drink which is usually packed in small packets to be sold to consumers.