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Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!

Wuhan Whore son aka HK14k

Fucking son of Wuhan whore. Your mother stand in the streets of Wuhan to sell her cheebye for 5 rmb and this is how you repay her? Balless lanjiaoless faggot.

Since you claim coming out with a placard with your nick is such a great idea, why you you fucking do it. No balls :rolleyes: Limppei teach you another way. You come out shouting KNNB 3times loudly ok. Or if my nick is too fearsome for you, you can shout "CPF is the best". Still no balls. :biggrin:

Limppei every year don't know whack how many of faggot small time gangster wannabe. Want to take me on, you? wahahahahahah :kma:
Now be a good boy and start crawling back to your Wuhan mummy whore skirt. Its getting crowded underneath it. My Bengal dogs have OCCUPIED the space.

You and your gang trying to deface the main kopitiam side but got use? You and your pathetic bunch will be drown by the other forummers. Show me what you can do over there ok. Trying to jam the threads there with your nonsense, dream on. :oIo::kma:


Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!

Wuhan whore son

So confirm I will see you holding a placard with your Nick on that day. Don't chicken out. Alternatively you can come out shouting my Nick KNNB 3 times. In the meantime do continue fucking and cursing your own mother.


Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!

Save some face value for your mother if not for yourself.... Honestly, I dun see anyone interested in your ignorant vulgarity post anymore!!!

I sympathize with your mother to have a child like you so fillial that is selling your mother's smelly hole everyday the moment you wake up.... LOL!!!

Treat your mother with better respect... Your mum ain't easy working as a street whore in Wuhan just to feed a useless fool like u!!!

Also, your Hk stands for what? "hello kitty" is it..:biggrin:

your sole existence in this forum is for me to humiliate ....Ha Ha Ha Ha:biggrin:


Re: Are PAP IB trying to flood the forum with new threads

Singapore we shall meet then.

Your date very open hor. No balls to comit to a date.

Since Leong has removed the thread "I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB" from the COURTYARD.... I can only respond to the Son of A Street Whore here!!!


:cool: Due to your FEAR of crawling back to SG if you fly down to HK, Shenzhen, Wuhan or even Taiwan which you mentioned to meet me, I've given you this Golden Opportunity to show everyone your GUTS n BALLZ back in SG.

I've changed my original flight plan on the 11th of flying down to HK to fly direct back to SG!!! Actually you're fool, by asking me to meet you in what Indonesia or SG you think I dare not???? It's just a phone call away to ask my guys to fly down to SG only!!! I can always hold my meetings back in SG n not in HK ....

So 废柴KNNBNBCB ..... Open up your chicken eyes and see carefully now : My latest flight plan is to fly direct from Wuhan - SG on the 11/06/2014. Departing Wuhan 14:55 and landing in SG at 19:55 (MI 985)...


Just in case you come up with EXCUSES of not able to meet me at the Airport. I'm going to teach you a way which is done by many drivers to pick up their clients at the Airport!!! Hold up a card with my nick HK14K on it and raise it high. Definitely we'll come up to you or I would rather say I'll allow you to "whack me" at the airport if you have the ability....

NOTE : This thread is also meant for those who like to ACT or PRETEND like a " RICH MAN", "SG GANGSTER" like Sarong Wongwan, Eunuch Escher, Ah Meng, Coward winniepegjets n etc for you guys to have this Golden Opportunity to flaunt your "RICHNESS" or "GANGSTERISM" infront of me....

:p Leong, this forum of yours is rather disappointing. Why??? Too many COWARDS!!! :p :p


:cool: Knowing you are twisting n turning your tongue now to play with words on the placard issue just to over your CHICKEN GUTS N ASS.... :cool:

:biggrin: The above is my quoting to you of the challenge that you've posted to me and the way I accepted it.... Wanna play with words, my pleasure but use your chicken brains first!!!! :biggrin:

:wink: I know you're HOT now.... My turn to tell you "Your father me wait for you / Lim Pei tan le lai, la sup pai kia (hokkien)" :wink:



Re: Why No Photo or Video Update of RETURN OUR MONEY Protest at HLP???

Please lah ...re-read some of your posts to jolt your memory. Stop lying.

Hurling vulgarities when you disagree is gangsterism, not manhood. Gangsters are just animals. And wild animals should be hunted if they hurt humans.

Take ownership, don't play the blame game.

I took up your challenge and you backtracked on your offer of free flight.

I dun have to re-read, quote me on any KNN, CB or CCB... Just quote me.... I thought you love to show proof??? I dun have to go around lying like you which you dun even dare to admit what you've wrote!!!

Your second sentence should be directed to first of all non other than your coward buddy Eunuch Escher!!!

I'll definitely and have the ability to be responsible for what i said or done.... Not happy, face it out with me!!!!

You took up my challenge??? Well... Why not tell everyone the date that you mention or do you want me to quote you on this??? 2015 CNY???

Why ain't you taking up the 11/06/2014 challenge together with your coward buddy KNNBNBCB.... It's only 4 days away compare to your 2015 CNY which is months away!!!! Waiting for you on the 11/06/2014 should you have the ballz to come down with KNNBNBCB....

I already say I'm giving a chance to any cowards who claims themselves as BIG TIME GANGSTER OR RICHMAN a chance to flaunt their richness n gangsterism infront of me including you!!!! Are you going to tell me you're not in SG n have to wait for Christmas then you'll return???

Asking for an reimbursement of air ticket over the internet???? Even the police says beware of con-man over the internet.... You have the GUTS, face me n definitely your reimbursement of air tickets will come!!!



Re: Why No Photo or Video Update of RETURN OUR MONEY Protest at HLP???

fuck your mother

Pal your lan cheow la. 认亲认戚, 吊你老母超鸡排。:kma:

Fuck you laubu Cheebye. Just how many excuses you need to come out with to avoid my challenge. Tiu lei lo mou chau hei.


kopiunca come back as kopidog really love to HorKowKan

Hurling vulgarities when you disagree is gangsterism, not manhood. Gangsters are just animals. And wild animals should be hunted if they hurt humans.

Above are just some of the vulgarities used by all your so-called oppos IBs buddies.... So are they animals????

Although many vulgarities are not english but is being easily read in Hokkien or Cantonese!!!

Slapping your own cheap mouth again???



Re: Why No Photo or Video Update of RETURN OUR MONEY Protest at HLP???

That is kopiunca lah

HorKowKan again and again.

:biggrin: Since you're so good at guessing that whether I'm Kopiuncle or Tehuncle, then can you guess who's your biological father???? Coz I see you always love to look for dogs!!! To check your DNA does it match with those dogs on the street right.... :biggrin:


Re: Are PAP IB trying to flood the forum with new threads

kopiinca love to HorKowKan.

:cool: We all understand your plight.... Having a prostitute mother is never easy for a low self-esteem child.... Especially when your mother's customers are not humans but animals!!!

Hope you can find the dog that matches your DNA soon!!! :wink:



Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!

Save some face value for your mother if not for yourself.... Honestly, I dun see anyone interested in your ignorant vulgarity post anymore!!!

I sympathize with your mother to have a child like you so fillial that is selling your mother's smelly hole everyday the moment you wake up.... LOL!!!

Treat your mother with better respect... Your mum ain't easy working as a street whore in Wuhan just to feed a useless fool like u!!!

Also, your Hk stands for what? "hello kitty" is it..:biggrin:

your sole existence in this forum is for me to humiliate ....Ha Ha Ha Ha:biggrin:


So confirm I will see you holding a placard with your Nick on that day. Don't chicken out. Alternatively you can come out shouting my Nick KNNB 3 times. In the meantime do continue fucking and cursing your own mother.

Having a MOTHER WHO'S WORKING AS A COMFORT WOMAN is never easy..... So I dun blame you for trying to flood this thread with you all you old post just to cover up your CHICKEN GUTS!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha.... Ha Ha Ha Ha...

Your ANGER, FEAR are all running around you body which is why you dun even dare to face it up to me but nevertheless as I say, you still have time to look for reinforcement to accompany you down to Changi Airport on the 11/06/2014!!!

My quote on you on the other thread regarding the placard issue has made you become a dumb ass which is why you dun even dare to utter a word over there but come over to this Rubbish Heap column to ACT like a Hero again!!!!

:biggrin: Being insulted n humiliated by me to the m&d, if I were you.... I would have say, "HK14K, since you dare to come to SG n face me, you'll definitely see you name when you step out of the baggage claim area" but alas.... Got what mother give birth to what kind of son..... A Cheap mother who's working as a COMFORT WOMAN can only have a son nothing more than a tortoise pimp....:biggrin: :biggrin:



Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!

Save some face value for your mother if not for yourself.... Honestly, I dun see anyone interested in your ignorant vulgarity post anymore!!!

Your above sentence is really damn good for yourself, tortoise pimp!!!!

:kma: First of all your mum isn't easy being a COMFORT WOMAN to raise you up and yet you're not just disgracing yourself but your mother as well to the ancestor graves!!!! :kma:

:wink: You also have show me that you're not that retard afterall, knowing that even your masters that you've lick n suck up their ballz are bored to see your CHICKEN GUTS again n again.... :wink:

:kma: Hey, come out with something new to cover your CHICKEN GUTS, if you run out of ideas i can impart some to you!!! :kma:



Re: Subhas Anandan now struggles with ill-health, lost 20kg

Many foreign countries do envy sinkies for having the pappies to run the Govt but why sinkies are still unsatisfied?

Decades ago, when LKY and the Old Guards were in charge, the sinkies accepted their policies quietly, no protest, no kpkb. Climate of fear? No, the sinkies knew the struggle needed to pull the country ahead. Why this sudden disgust today for the pappies? Are the sinkies ungrateful? There are 2 sides to every tale.

Perhaps, the young today expected much more from the Govt after seeing the protests erupting in Middle East, Thailand, etc. This country is small and vulnerable. Good governance is essential to keep it going. Pappies should stop and think. Is it right to allow mass immigration of foreigners? Why citizens are not given priorities? Why are PRs given privileges as though they are citizens? The list can go on.

The PM should remove MPs and Ministers who passed adversarial or arrogant comments like the Minister who chided sinkies about three meals a day, the woman MP who asked sinkies to fuck off if not happy. Instead of bonding themselves to the people, these pappies made the sinkies more pissed off. Damage is done but what has LHL done? Nothing.

You n I can't deny that young Singaporeans especially those born after the 80s are pampered.... Humans being are like this, if you have a million, you wanna make 2 n then 4 and so on with no ending!!!

There's a chinese saying that goes like this "创业难守业更难".... SG currently are not at a stage whereby the island is still full of coconut trees... It's a developed city!!! The priority is to maintain n keep it sustainable...

Just for your info, recently i read an article on the worlds most expensive property listing and SG ranks 8th... Even HK is 3 places infront of SG ranking 5th...

Many claims that PAP are not transparent enough, come on... tell me which govt is transparent enough??? The US spent so much on the Iraqi n middle east war which is all tax payers money.

I dun deny that some MPs are arrogant but sometimes come on, even if for me I'll be piss off if you keep comparing how good are other cities to SG.... Then why dun you just pack your bags n go if the other side of the patch is greener for you!!! Not forgetting one can withdraw full their CPF if they leave permanently!!!

Even sometimes I tell off my Singaporeans friend, not happy, moved on!!!! What stay back n fight is mere lousy excuse to cover up for one's failure!!!

Last edited:


Re: CPF: The Middle Finger We Need To Show PAP

Singaporeans are conditioned not to protest. All sinkies need to do is to vote PAP out in 2016 if they wanna see their monies back.

Protests for fuck. Just vote PAP out by voting Opposition. YOU HAVE A BETTER CHANCE TO GET YOUR HARD EARNED MONIES BACK THAN PROTESTING. :biggrin:

Wow.... What a "SMART REPLY"!!!!

1. Only Idiots n retards will think PAP will fall in 2016.

2. Even if any Oppos becomes the ruling govt, they will released the money back to Singaporeans with no conditions???? Day dream!!!



Re: Are PAP IB trying to flood the forum with new threads

Wuhan whore son

Your sole existence in this forum is for me to mock and humiliate your cowardly and stupidity. Do appear more often instead of just during the School holidays.

BTW it's getting crowded inside your mummy Cheebye. My Bengal dogs have invited their friends. The crowd inside your mummy cheebye is bigger than hong Lim park crowd.:biggrin:

Don't be ball less to even carry a placard on your return huh. Hello Kitty boy.


Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!

Wuhan Whore son aka HK14k

Fucking son of Wuhan whore. Your mother stand in the streets of Wuhan to sell her cheebye for 5 rmb and this is how you repay her? Balless lanjiaoless faggot.

Since you claim coming out with a placard with your nick is such a great idea, why you you fucking do it. No balls :rolleyes: Limppei teach you another way. You come out shouting KNNB 3times loudly ok. Or if my nick is too fearsome for you, you can shout "CPF is the best". Still no balls. :biggrin:

Limppei every year don't know whack how many of faggot small time gangster wannabe. Want to take me on, you? wahahahahahah :kma:

Now be a good boy and start crawling back to your Wuhan mummy whore skirt. Its getting crowded underneath it. My Bengal dogs have OCCUPIED the space.

You and your gang trying to deface the main kopitiam side but got use? You and your pathetic bunch will be drown by the other forummers. Show me what you can do over there ok. Trying to jam the threads there with your nonsense, dream on. :oIo::kma:


Re: The Pink Trojan Horse (sorry, someone has to be the wet blanket)

Cannot attack cpf protest using xenophobia as a disguise so now use gay agenda as new weapon.


Re: Facts You did not know about CPF

Not just highly priced public housing with fake subsidy, medishield (now medishield life) and highly priced public healthcare with fake subsidy are also intended to deplete your cpf account.


Re: The Pink Trojan Horse (sorry, someone has to be the wet blanket)

I am with the PAP???

How old are you and how new are you to this forum?

Not saying you are but well Goh Meng Seng claimed to be an opposition too you see.


Re: Are PAP IB trying to flood the forum with new threads

Singapore we shall meet then.

Your date very open hor. No balls to comit to a date.

Let's see what excuse you come out with tomorrow.

Since Leong has removed the thread "I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB" from the COURTYARD.... I can only respond to the Son of A Street Whore here!!!


:cool: Due to your FEAR of crawling back to SG if you fly down to HK, Shenzhen, Wuhan or even Taiwan which you mentioned to meet me, I've given you this Golden Opportunity to show everyone your GUTS n BALLZ back in SG.

I've changed my original flight plan on the 11th of flying down to HK to fly direct back to SG!!! Actually you're fool, by asking me to meet you in what Indonesia or SG you think I dare not???? It's just a phone call away to ask my guys to fly down to SG only!!! I can always hold my meetings back in SG n not in HK ....

So 废柴KNNBNBCB ..... Open up your chicken eyes and see carefully now : My latest flight plan is to fly direct from Wuhan - SG on the 11/06/2014. Departing Wuhan 14:55 and landing in SG at 19:55 (MI 985)...


Just in case you come up with EXCUSES of not able to meet me at the Airport. I'm going to teach you a way which is done by many drivers to pick up their clients at the Airport!!! Hold up a card with my nick HK14K on it and raise it high. Definitely we'll come up to you or I would rather say I'll allow you to "whack me" at the airport if you have the ability....

NOTE : This thread is also meant for those who like to ACT or PRETEND like a " RICH MAN", "SG GANGSTER" like Sarong Wongwan, Eunuch Escher, Ah Meng, Coward winniepegjets n etc for you guys to have this Golden Opportunity to flaunt your "RICHNESS" or "GANGSTERISM" infront of me....

:p Leong, this forum of yours is rather disappointing. Why??? Too many COWARDS!!! :p :p

Your sole existence in this forum is for me to mock and humiliate your cowardly and stupidity. Do appear more often instead of just during the School holidays.

Don't be ball less to even carry a placard on your return huh. Hello Kitty boy.

:wink: I'm waiting and giving you the opportunity to "WHACK ME".... If i were you, I wouldn't be so pussy to talk so much already when the other party has accepted my challenge let alone you n your mother is being insulted by me to the m&d!!! Being a coward yet still wanna save your own face value.... Your words simply doesn't make sense which is why so many of your masters dun even bother to stand on your side but rather sit aside to see you continue to make a laughing stock out of yourself!!! :wink:

Harping on the placard can't hide your FEAR N CHICKEN GUTS that you've shown to everyone in this forum....

Also if you run out of words, I wouldn't mind imparting you some new ideals just to let you look better to hide your CHICKEN GUTS!!!

:biggrin: Remember to bring your mother for regular check-ups coz you know in India, having free sex (rape) is so dangerous especially when your mothers are those India n Bengal Dogs, not even humans :biggrin:



Re: What's The Situation At Hong Lim Park For The CPF Issue & Roy ????

That meant diudouhoifar.
eg steffychunnycuntlangchowhaiduidouhoifar
eg smear of shit on sole of shoe LKY when he die and go under the ghouls and demons. They will cut a cheebye in LKY perineum and diudouhoifar

An Eunuch like you who like to disgrace yourself not enough, you still wanna bring out your cheapo mother n grandmother for further humiliation!!!!

:biggrin: Everyone in this forum already know that your mother is a street prostitute and yet you still wanna your mother to get shaft till her hole split!!!! So filial of u :biggrin:
